Another Humid Saturday

Another hot, uncomfortable day.

I arrived at the pier to find that the sign on the gate that had been threatening to fall, finally did (it was on my to-do list). Before I fixed it, I did my routine tasks on the ship.

My gate sign reattachment solution was similar to that of the gangway platform sign. Easy peasy!

Sign hanging upside down on the gate. One end of the line spliced:

sign fix me

Splicing the other end:

spliced on

The small, pre-punched holes in the corners of this type of sign are woefully inadequate and fail after a short while.

More holes punched in the sign.


Sign stitched on to the line:

sign up

Although I was sweating like I had just run a race (did I mention it was hot), it was quite relaxing to work on a simple project.

Now, if only someone would fix the gate…

(Hey, I can’t do it all!)

Unusual to see a US Army ship in the harbor. Here’s the USAV LTG William B. Bunker (LSV-4):

USAV LTG William B. Bunker

A better photo of the Robert C. Seamans than the one from last week:

Robert C Seamans

Parasail. Obviously.


(Note: Not an endorsement of this particular company.)

Maui offshore, headed to the harbor:

Maui offshore

good lighting + calm conditions = good shot

A photo by Rick Wilson of the pilot boat Honolulu passing along the starboard sides of tug Mikioi and Maui:

photo ©Rick Wilson used by permission

(Yes, I was on board.)

Tug of the day…Chinook, alongside Haleakala, ready to leave:

Chinook Haleakala

PSI’s large dry dock is empty:

PSI large dry dock

Akatsuki Maru

Akatsuki Maru

Among the interesting and enjoyable moments of Friday’s pau hana gathering were the ship-related discussions and stories.

A while back, I went on an evening excursion with a friend to Snug Harbor. We passed by a large catamaran. She was unusual, but I didn’t really think a lot about it at the time. As I learned on Friday, she has an interesting history. She is Kaimalino, a SWATH ship that was built in the 1970s by the US Navy.

Kaimalino at Snug Harbor:


Wonder if there are any plans for her?

Thanks to Captain Baker and Paul!

ETA: Symi finally left!

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